
What is ID MARK?

ID-MARK is a photosensitive aluminum or polyester sheet that is exposed to UV and developed under water.

Simple and fast to use, ID-MARK produces precise and resistant marking in a few minutes.

A wide range of choices is available  to produce  high quality professional labels, plates and panels. Just choose from different substrates  and colors to create attractive, functional and durable labels.

For last minute labels, ID-MARK is the perfect solution.

Advantages and uses of ID Mark process :


Quick and easy to use for quality marking : ID MARK

A manufacturer's plate for a  machine to be delivered, a reward for the winner of a sporting event, a bar code to track a product, a sign for a danger in a room, a technical diagram on a machine  ... so many situations where ID MARK is the solution.

With main advantage of immediate and easy production, ID MARK allows rapid positioning of your marking. No subcontracting, no complex operations.

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